Insurance and Assistance Companies of recognized prestige entrust their services to our group, both for the advantage provided by the deep knowledge we have of the funeral market, and for the peculiarities and customs of the local area, where our services are carried out. In addition to private services, we lend to the following companies:
- Apocalipsis F.R.S.A. de Seguros (Active Seguros)
- MAPFRE Finisterre
- Helvetia S.A.
- Preventiva S.A.
- Santa Lucía
- Ocaso
- Funespaña
- Archicofradía de la Purísima Concepción
- Real e Ilustre Congregación del Santísimo Sacramento y Santo Entierro de Madrid
- “La Fe” Previsora Compañía de Seguros S.A.
- Compañía de Seguros “La Fe”
- La Previsora Mallorquina